Inlays and onlays are restorations that repair a broken, decayed tooth, or replace a large filling. Inlays are designed for tooth damage affecting the indented portion at the top of the tooth and onlays are for more extensive damage.
Inlays and onlays are used when the damage is not severe enough to require a full-coverage crown. When damage is extensive a crown is the best choice to cover and stabilize the entire tooth.
In the past, tooth-colored filling material was not durable enough to withstand the tremendous biting forces of back teeth, therefore limiting cosmetic dentistry to front teeth restorations.
The CEREC system allows us to create beautiful tooth-colored restorations for both front and back teeth that match the color and appearance of the rest of your teeth. It creates the same translucence, color and brilliance as that of your natural healthy teeth and they x-ray just like enamel.
Unlike traditional inlays and onlays, which can sometimes take several visits and require temporaries; using the CEREC system we can apply these in one visit.